EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N17K2

Friend Site Result Problem Text
C.Bortolotti Medicina Success None Observation OK
Daniel Valero Yebes Success None Not known problem
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None No known problems.
Jun Yang Onsala Minor failures None This NME observations and the next scientific user experiment requested to run the observations at about 21.7 GHz. With the default LO=21.5 GHz, this observing frequency is outside of the valid bandwidth (IF filter: 500 - 1000 MHz). The problem was found after the first ftp-fringe test. To get the right observing window, a new LO value of 21 GHz was used and the schedule was restarted. The telescope was on source again at 13:43:37 UT. After that, fringes to Onsala were found.
Uwe Effelsberg Minor failures WIND Started 45 min late, because of strong wind.