EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N09K3

Friend Site Result Problem Text
A. Catani Medicina Success None None
Pablo de Vicente Yebes Success None No known problems
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Some rain. Otherwise no known problems.
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Minor failures None Started 50 minutes too late, because of a human day-light saving time time lag!
Guifre Metsahovi Success None None
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures RECO Scan lost from 15:45 to 15:53 due to operator problems. The scans for the ftp fringe test have been extracted by hand (same problems as in the previous fringe test).
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Minor failures RECO The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). Several different disk packs tried at start of experiment, one of which failed, one which was throttling. No other known problems.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.