EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N07M3

Friend Site Result Problem Text
A. Polatidis Effelsberg Minor failures None Lost the first scan. For some time during the first 30min of the schedule, communication with the frontend computer was lost and the low amplitude noise diode was injected with an 80 Hz tone. This did not affect the fringes but will result in reduction in sensitivity for that time. Lost 30sec a few times during scans to make a system temperature measurement. The external filters were switched on without any problems.
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None No known problems - perfect weather
Zacchiroli Medicina Success None During all the experiment, Tsys value on IF1 and IF2 very hight. Bad weather conditions, heavy rain during all the experiment.
K. Borkowski Torun Minor failures None There were problems with Mk5 disk2file so no data could be ftp-ed.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures None Single dish was used. Please change the coordinates in the vexfile accordingly. problems with disk2file, so it had to be repeated after the end of N07M3. Also started about 20seconds late.
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures None Failed data ftp due to lacking of room in the local disks.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). No known problems.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Failure None Formatter lost sync prior to this experiment. Reset at 09:39 UT. Polarisations were swapped, corrected after n07m3. No other known problems.