EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N07L1

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Kaz Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Foggy. Data affected by RFI. Otherwise no known problems.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Foggy. Data affected by RFI. Otherwise no known problems.
Hua Zhang Urumqi Success None None
G.Maccaferri Medicina Minor failures LATE Started at 07:42
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None Intermittent RFI - no other known problems
A. Polatidis Effelsberg Success None Some RFI
Tony Foley Westerbork Success None Wb used in phased array mode. No known problems
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures SCHED Pointing in late for several sources.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Minor failures RECO The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). Power supply caused problems with Mark 5 unit, requiring multiple reboots. Expect data loss. Mark 5 was repaired after this experiment.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.