EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N04K2

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Marco Poloni Medicina Success None Experiment: success.
Ari Mujunen Metsahovi Success None Our 1st EVN obs with Mk5A, no problems apparent.
Xinyong Huang Shanghai Success None The label number of the mark5 discs is SHAO-011. This bank (SHAO-011) were record the data of two experiments (EX004 and N04K2).
Liu Xiang Urumqi Success None We recorded n04p1 and n04k2 together in the disk-pack UAO-0010.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None We used a new receiver (LCP only). Bad weather, high Tsys.
P.Cassaro Noto Success None None
A. Kraus Effelsberg Minor failures None First scan lost
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Failure None MkII was used. Mk2 could not observe due to ongoing engineering. No alternative 22GHz antenna available.