EVN feedback tool

Feedback for N04C3

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Xinyong Huang Shanghai Success None The label number of the mark5 discs is SHAO-012. Please produce the last four codes of the label, because of we haven't the code scanner. And I can't use the track for the discs. It will be send out from Shanghai tomorrow.
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None No problems
P.Cassaro Noto Success None None
Liu Xiang Urumqi Minor failures WIND HIGH Snow and rain just before the experiment, and then it is wet and foggy, so the Tsys is very high about 160K that time, and then it is slowly decreased to about 30K at the end.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
K. Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems.
Cattani A. Medicina Success None None
D.Graham Effelsberg Minor failures None looking into hills at start, high tant of 3c273 also causes problems. Otherwise OK
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None The Lovell Telescope was used. No known problems.
Tony Foley Westerbork Success None Wb used in phased array mode. No known problems
Liu Xiang Urumqi Success None We don't want to send disk-pack for n04c3 because we lack of disk-pack and we got ftp fringes already.