Feedback for EV018B
Friend | Site | Result | Problem | Text |
Kaz Borkowski | Torun | Success | None | No known problems. |
Michael Lindqvist | Onsala | Minor failures | None | Late start (around 15 UTC) due to wind. |
Pablo de Vicente | Yebes | Minor failures | RECO FS | When Mark5B swapped between banks, at 12:40, the Mark5B hang. We rebooted the Mark5B and resumed operations. However disk pack OAN+0018 with 4 Tb has to be reset and worked with 6 of the 8 disks it has. A total of 1 hour was lost: between 12:40 and 13:30 |
Geert Kuper | Westerbork | Minor failures | PHAS | From UT 11:30 - 17:04:30 the TADU output made small jumps (10 sec based). This was caused by the fact that the receiver in RT 6 (6X), had an unstable total power output. After removing RT 6 from the adder, at 17:04:30 UT, the output of TADU is stable again. Also no data from 11:38 UT - 11:43 UT and from 17:01:00 UT - 17:04:30 UT, caused by manual backend restart. |
roda | Medicina | Success | None | None |
Uwe Bach | Effelsberg | Success | None | None |