EVN feedback tool

Feedback for ET016B

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Peng Li Urumqi Success None None
Daniel Valero Yebes Minor failures RECO WIND Rainy weather, sometimes heavy rain. Disk pack failure, the data were not recorded until scan No0161. Correct data from the scan No0163 included.
Ptitcin A. Zelenchukskaya Minor failures None Scans 0033-0040 missed due to main power failure.
Slobojaninova N. Svetloe Minor failures FORM Scan No0017-No0019 and No0302 failed due to Mark5 sync problems.
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Problems with disk pack? See log for details.
GEORGI Effelsberg Minor failures POIN 7:52 we do a pointing for 1.3cm because there was no one in the schedule
E. Rastorgueva-Foi Metsahovi Success None None
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None No known problems.
Cristina Garcia Miro Robledo Failure ANT Subreflector RED, not possible to move to K-band (1.3 cm) position, observation not performed.