EVN feedback tool

Feedback for ET016A

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Peng Li Urumqi Minor failures None In UT07:00--13:00, MK5B computer frequently halts, replacing MK5 computer still crashes, replace the disk and restored to normal after.
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Success None None
Stepanova I. Svetloe Minor failures FORM Scan No242-No244 failed due to Mark5 sync problems.
Kiselev P. Zelenchukskaya Minor failures RECO ANT Scans 0001-0008 missed due to antenna problems. Scans 0065-0072,0093-0100 missed due to Mark5 UAO-0101 module problems. Scan 0216 - Mark5 formatter time reset.
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Some rain, otherwise no known problems.
E. Rastorgueva-Foi Metsahovi Success None No known faults. We performed unofficial digital backend/Flexbuff test parallel to the "standart" recording.
E. Rastorgueva-Foi Metsahovi Success None No known faults. We performed unofficial digital backend/Flexbuff test parallel to the "standart" recording.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None No known problems.