EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EP088H

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Geert Kuper Westerbork Success None None
Shumilova Svetloe Success None None
Kononenko V. Zelenchukskaya Success None Scans from No0030 to No0084 (54 scans) missed due to participation in intensive geo session
Zhukova, Sorokovikov Badary Success None Pause for intensive geo session from 20:06 to 21:51 UTC (scans no0043 to no0076).
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Success None None
BoXia Shanghai Minor failures RECO MK5 time synchronization error, solved by restarting the VSI.
BO XIA Shanghai Success None receiver on room temperature
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None No known problems, apart from the usual RFI
K. Borkowski Torun Minor failures RECO Lost about 0.5 hour since about 21:00 UT on disk-pack change (recording continued until the very end of the pack capacity).
Jimmy Cullen Jodrell_Bank Success None No known problems
Jun Yang Onsala Success None No known problems