EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EP076D

Friend Site Result Problem Text
scalambra Medicina Minor failures None None
Peng Li Urumqi Success None None
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Minor failures RECE TSYS The RCP channel of the IF distributor has a sticky programmable attenuator causing dropouts after Tsys measurements affecting multiple scans from 02:37-02:44, 02:48-02:49, 02:59-03:01, 05:10, 06:12-06:13, 06:22-06:27, 06:43-06:46, 07:03-07:06, 07:13-07:14, 07:34-07:43, 07:54, 08:04-08:06, 08:14-08:21, 08:35-08:37. No other known problems.
K. Borkowski Torun Minor failures RECO FS Two breaks occurred. One was due to a telescope control problem at 2:42 (probably data recorded off source for most of 35 min that followed), and the other at 4:05 UT, when Mark5A hanged. Data were completely lost (not recorded) for 1 hour and 15 min.
Lysakova Badary Minor failures ANT Scans no0138,0139,0140 failed due to antenna problems.
Kiselev P. Kvashnin E. Garkusha A. Zelenchukskaya Success None None
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Success None None
Geert Kuper Westerbork Success None None
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None From UT 6:43 to 6:54,mk5b syncerr error,there was some probles with our VSI-C card.Reset the VSI-C card.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None No known problems.