EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EP055

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Lingling Wang Shanghai Success None None
Zhang Hua Urumqi Minor failures None UTC: 8:18 to 12:38 the power is off. No known problems.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Minor failures None Scan_check failed several times. Note that we had conditioned all the disks before the session. Mark5 log can be found on vlbeer: evn-session2-onsala-part1.mk5.gz rane:/usr2/log/:> grep scan_check ep055on.log | grep ? 2006.166.19:31:02.16/scan_check/46,ep055_180_no0040,?,,,,, 2006.166.23:02:01.50/scan_check/42,ep055_j1746+2603_no0096,mark4,64,2006y166d22h59m59.101s,?,?,? 2006.167.02:39:35.94/scan_check/9,ep055_j1350+3034_no0159,?,,,,, 2006.167.03:54:12.33/scan_check/29,ep055_j2308+0946_n
P. Cassaro at S Noto Minor failures RECO ANT From 21:25 to 22:07 UT scans lost due to a faulty disk pack. From 15:38 to 15:48 UT antenna stopped for prelimit.
K. Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems.
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures None Wb used in phased array mode. scan_check reported lost bytes on scans 0050, 0051,0190,0222,0277,0364,0365. Also gives "?,?,?" for scan 60. Other scan_checks OK
A. Polatidis Effelsberg Success None Severe shadowing by hills
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Minor failures RECO The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). Mk5 communications lost at 23:15 UT, re-established at 23:56 UT. No other known problems.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Minor failures RECO Data throttling reported on disk packs JOD-0021 and JIVE-061, although 1Gbps tests were passed. No replacements were available. No other known problems.
Andrea Orlati Medicina Success None No known problems. Data recording seems to be ok.
Andrea Orlati Session: Comment NULL This note concerns the UHF experiments only. Shortly before the first experiment we could manage to install the Lange coupler to produce two circular polarizations instead of the linear polarization announced in the block schedule. Also, we failed to install the phase cal.