EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EP049B

Friend Site Result Problem Text
T. Ghosh, C. Salter and E. Momjian Arecibo Minor failures LATE We just completed this run at Arecibo and 5 disk-packs are ready to be sent to JIVE (hopefully conatining good data). We have had a few problems listed below: (1) Due to a local networking problem, telescope control was frozen for the first two sources. So, please ignore those two scans. (2)During this weekend, due to a techincal fault (difficult to repair over a short notice without stopping all other observations), caused the automatic platform tie-down jack adjustement system to quit
A. Kraus Effelsberg Minor failures WIND RECO stop due to snow: UT1200-1215. MK5 problems (recording stopped during a run - probably a bad disk) - reboot of MK5 necessary, lost UT1544-1620.