EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EP046C

Friend Site Result Problem Text
yang wen jun Urumqi Minor failures None from UT 2:10 to 3:00, the power supply of the fs computer is failures,and during the experiment,the communication between the fs computer and antenna control computer had some trouble,more details is in the log file.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None Some RFI.
K. Borkowski Torun Minor failures None No known problems (see however this band feedback on linear polarization).
Tony Foley Westerbork Success None Wb used in phased array mode. Only a little RFI
P.Cassaro Noto Minor failures RFI Lots of interferences in band.
A. Kraus Effelsberg Minor failures TSYS RFI None
A. Kraus Effelsberg Minor failures TSYS RFI Very strong RFI. Many Tsys measurements are bad.