EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EO005

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Hua Zhang Urumqi Success None None
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Kaz Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems.
G.Maccaferri Medicina Minor failures RECO Stop recording at 03:30 for bank switching failure
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures RFI Wb used in phased array mode. Lots of very bad RFI, mostly around 1620-1630MHz, but sometimes outside. Scan_check reoported 4 errors on scan 37, 79872 on scan 42 and 104448 on scan 94
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Minor failures None * Murphys law: we could not get an operator for the evening shift so the telscope was unattended for a few hours. Naturally, the Mark5 system hanged during that time and we lost several scans time between 21:20 - 23:10. See log for details. * Data affected by RFI. * Rain+foggy weather.
A. Polatidis Effelsberg Success None Lost scans between 007 and 0031 to unwind cable wrap. Channels 1,2,3,4 are affected by RFI.
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures SCHED Pointing in late for several sources.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Minor failures RECO The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). Mark 5 unit failed to change disk pack soon after 00:00 UT. Then intermittently failed to record, requiring multiple reboots, for rest of experiment. Expect missing data. Problem was traced to a failing power supply.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.