EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EL034

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Roda Medicina Success None None
Hua Zhang Urumqi Success None None
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Minor failures None Very foggy first hours. Problem with a disk pack (wsrt-014) around 01:00 UTC. Changed to osod-067.
K. Borkowski Torun Minor failures RECO No problems till 1:10 UT on day 72, when Mk5 failed. A reset wouldn't help. At the time of this reporting the reason is still unrecognized.
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures RECO PHAS Wb used in phased array mode. Poor phasing of two of our bands. These correspond to BBC 3+4 and 7+8. Scan no0055 gave 14336 errors.
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
A. Polatidis Effelsberg Success None The operator erroneously changed the formatter clock at 2218UT. Formatter time was correct until 2218, since then it was 1 sec slower.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None The MkII telescope was used (Jb2). No known problems.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures FORM From 22:11 to 22:30 UT the formatter lost the synchronization.