EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EG078F

Friend Site Result Problem Text
scalambra Medicina Success None None
Guanghui Li Urumqi Success None None
Alakova, Zhukova, Sorokovikov, Kotlova Badary Success None Skipped scans No0158-No0171 - pause for intensive geo session
Shatilov A. Zelenchukskaya Success None Scans from no0158 to no0171 missed due to intensive geo session
Baykova Svetloe Success None None
BO XIA Tianma65 Success None None
BO XIA Tianma65 Success None From UT11: 30 to UT16: 09, because the antenna limit, resulting in the source no0037 and the source no0103 has been lost
BO XIA Tianma65 Success None Because the antenna limit, resulting in source no0037 and source no0103 has been lost
Uwe Effelsberg Success None None
Pawel Wolak Torun Success RFI None
Jun Yang Onsala Success None No known problems.
JIVE Effelsberg Minor failures None Slightly affected by amplitude calibration issue. Dip in center of band. Doesn't look too bad.
JIVE Tianma65 Minor failures None RFI looks quite bad sb 0,2,6
JIVE Jodrell_Bank Minor failures None RFI looks quite bad in sb 0,2,6. Sb 6 suppressed in cross-cor due to the RFI+normalisation. Care must be taken to scale this sb (aips IF).
JIVE Onsala Minor failures None EVN amplitude calibration issue affects this station somewhat here. LCP slopes up with increasing frequency in LCP.
JIVE Medicina Minor failures None RFI looks strong in sb 1. EVN ampcal issue - upper half LCP low.
JIVE Torun Minor failures None Reported RFI. Plots don't look too bad.
JIVE Svetloe Minor failures None Bad RFI in sb0 (probably single channel).
JIVE Badary Minor failures None Skipped scans 158-171 for geo session.
JIVE Zelenchukskaya Minor failures None Skipped scans 158-171 for geo session. Bad RFI in sb0 (probably single channel).
JIVE Urumqi Minor failures None EVN ampcal issue - Upper half RCP low.
JIVE Cambridge Minor failures None Standard MERLIN slope across band.
JIVE Darnhall Minor failures None Standard MERLIN slope across band.
JIVE Knockin Minor failures None Standard MERLIN slope across band.
JIVE Tabley Minor failures None Standard MERLIN slope across band.