EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EG078C

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Carlo Migoni Sardinia Failure FORM None
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None the source No0192 was not caught because the antenna limited. we stop the session of eg078c at UT 10:20 for our CE-5 task.
Uwe Effelsberg Failure RECE 18cm receiver broke on Sunday and cannot be repaired today because of missing spare parts. This was the last exp. at 18cm, the next obs. at 21cm, GN002A, will be observed with the 21cm 7-beam receiver.
PengLi Urumqi Success None we stop the session of eg078c at UT 08:00 for our CE-5 task.
Uwe Effelsberg Failure RECE 18cm receiver broke on Sunday and cannot be repaired today because of missing spare parts. This was the last exp. at 18cm, the next obs. at 21cm, GN002A, will be observed with the 21cm 7-beam receiver.
C.Bortolotti Medicina Minor failures RECO FS Lost scans 22:30-00:07, 04:30-05:05 and 09:04-09:41 for FS or DBBC problems
Geert Kuper Westerbork Minor failures LATE Single dish RT8 (Total power and antab files look fine, but our correlator gave no output on RT8 so we can not judge the quality of the signal.)
Shumilova Svetloe Success None None
Ptitcin A. Zelenchukskaya Success None None
lakova, Naumov, Panova, Nekrasov Badary Success None None
Geert Kuper Westerbork Minor failures LATE Wb started 10 minutes late
Geert Kuper Westerbork Minor failures FORM There was a formatter sync error from 19:34 till 20:02 UT
Jun Yang Onsala Success None No known problems
Pawel Wolak Torun Success RFI No known problems.