Feedback for EG061A
Friend | Site | Result | Problem | Text |
Pablo de Vicente | Yebes | Failure | ANT | The observation has failed from 00:02 (scan 0825) to 08:13 (scan 1429) due to an antenna control problem. After 08:13 the observation resumed correctly. |
Bo Xia | Shanghai | Success | None | None |
Uwe Bach | Effelsberg | Success | None | None |
I.Stepanova | Svetloe | Success | None | No scans No01039,1040,No1302,1303,1304,1311,1312,1313,1385,1386 - too late on source many times. |
Michael Lindqvist | Onsala | Minor failures | None | Problem with the IF-level (strange bump in the bandpass), see log for details. Added an aqualizer at around 07:50. |
E. Rastorgueva | Metsahovi | Failure | RECO | The experiment used recording at 1Gbps, which our Mark5 defective I/O board fails to support. Recording was not done. |
Alastair Gunn | Jodrell_Bank | Success | None | No known problems. |