EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EE008C

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Angel Vicente Yebes Success None No problem
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Minor failures FS Some IFD communication problems. FS (antcn) hang caused data loss from 19:28-19:34 UT
Wenjun Yang Urumqi Success None None
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
Slobojaninova N. Svetloe Success None Scan No0132 - failed due to antenna problems
Kononenko V. Zelenchukskaya Success None Scans: No0022 - No0061 failed due antenna problems
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Minor failures RECE Lost IF power from 17-19 UT. Reason unknown, maybe some misbehaving switch, restart of the frontend solved the problem.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
E. Rastorgueva Metsahovi Minor failures WIND Very strong snow storm during the observation, layer of snow on the radome. By the end of an experiment started to melt the snow.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None No known problems.