EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EC029A

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Andrea Orlati Medicina Minor failures RECO Mark5 failed to record scans propably up to 10 UT due to a faulty disk pack. After a quick check the DirList output was not consistent to the recorded scans. we'll investigate the module after the end of the session. Starting from 10 UT we decided to change the module and everything looks fine.
Geert Kuper at S Westerbork Minor failures RECE RFI Wb used in phased array mode. RFI at 1610 MHz. RT9 gave no signal, but was included in the adding device.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Minor failures None Lost first minutes. Operator error forgott to issue mk5relink. Noisediode problem, schedule stopped in order to investigate between 12-13 UTC.
Kaz Borkowski Torun Minor failures RECO For unknown reason Mk5 stopped recording at about 11:50 UTC. After rebooting the schedule restarted at about 12:30. No other known problems.
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Minor failures RECO Recorder hang during bank change. Took about 40 minutes from 5 to 5:40 UT to solve.
Bo Xia Shanghai Success None None
P. Cassaro Noto Minor failures TSYS Tsys missing from the start to 9:34 UT
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None The Lovell Telescope was used (Jb1). No known problems.