EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EB029

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
Sergio Mariotti Medicina Success None Mark 5: disks rather than tapes
K. Borkowski Torun Success None No known technical problems, but since 8:39 (on day 142) the sources were below the telescope horizon.
Xinyong Huang Shanghai Success None No known problems. We stop it at UT: 1:37, because of out our antenna limit.
Jonathan Quick Hartebeesthoek Success None No known problems. All sources set after 07:53 UT. Recorded on Mark5A
A. Kraus Effelsberg Success None None
Ton Foley Westerbork Success None Wb used in phased array mode. No known problems. Had to manually switch packs about 2hrs from the end.
P.Cassaro Noto Success None No known problems
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None MkII was used. No known problems.