EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EB028B

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Xinyong Huang Shanghai Success None No known problems.
K. Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems.
Michael Lindqvist Onsala Success None No known problems.
Alastair Gunn Jodrell_Bank Success None MkII was used. No known problems.
Alastair Gunn Cambridge Success None No known problems.
zhanghua Urumqi Success None None
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures WIND Single dish was used. Please change the coordinates in the vexfile accordingly. Airco could not cool the IF and tied array racks sufficiently. System stopped at 06:44, so last hour is lost.
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures None Single dish was used. Please change the coordinates in the vexfile accordingly. Airco could not cool the IF and tied array racks sufficiently. System stopped at 06:44, so last hour is lost. SEVERE WEATHER was the temperature, not wind!
Tony Foley Westerbork Minor failures None Wb used in phased array mode. Airco could not cool the IF and tied array racks sufficiently. System stopped at 06:44, so last hour is lost. SEVERE WEATHER was the temperature, not wind!
andrea orlati Medicina Success None None
Cristina Garcia Miro Robledo Minor failures RFI VC07 degraded by L-band RFI (1660-1670 GHz). First EVN observation performed with SRC in tracking mode. For this session, sub-reflector position and pointing model have been optimized. Please provide feedback.
P. Cassaro Noto Failure None From about 23:15 UT the maser do not worked, due to a malfunction that we are still trying to fix. A great part of the experiment has been lost.
A. Kraus Effelsberg Success None None