EVN feedback tool

Feedback for EA055A

Friend Site Result Problem Text
Jun Yang Onsala Success None The LO and BBC frequency setup was not correct until 19:45 UT. Because of the fixed bandwidth (250 - 500 MHz) of L-band filter, the LO frequency 1220 MHz in the vex file should be shifted down to 1000 MHz.
Zborovskiy A. Svetloe Success None None
Zhukova, Sorokovikov Badary Success None Pause for intensive geo session 20:06 to 22:00 UT (scans no0050 to no0074).
Bezborodov A. Zelenchukskaya Minor failures ANT Scans from no0012 to no0013 missed due antenna problems. Scans from no0044 to no0076 missed due to participation in intensive geo session.
Geert Kuper Westerbork Minor failures SCHED Scan 1,2,3,4 were byond Wb HA limits.
K. Borkowski Torun Success None No known problems, although the operator noted some, apparently benign, error messages related to recording.
Uwe Bach Effelsberg Success None Sources were below elevation limit until 16:31 UT.