VEX_rev = 1.5; * SCHED vers: Release 11.6; April 2020 * VEX/SCHED: 1.5.87 * Other versions: Sched: 11.6 Plot: 1.06 JPL-ephem: 0.00 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $GLOBAL; ref $EXPER = N24K3; ref $EOP = EOP303; * +------------+ * PI revision number: | 1.0000 | * +------------+ * mode: vlbi *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $EXPER; * def N24K3; exper_name = N24K3; exper_description = "Network Monitoring Experiment"; PI_name = "Gabor Orosz"; PI_email =; * address: JIVE * Oude Hoogeveensedijk 4 * Dwingeloo * Netherlands * phone: +31 521 596 530 * during obs:+31 521 596 530 * fax: * notes: K-band (1.3cm) NME and ftp fringe test for Session 3, 2024 * 2048 Mbps, L+R, 2-bit sampling, 16 BBC, 32 MHz filters * with VERA (Mizusawa, Iriki, Ogasawara, Ishigakijima) * * year, doy: 2024, 306 * date : Fri 1 Nov 2024 * MJD : 60615 exper_nominal_start=2024y306d12h00m00s; exper_nominal_stop=2024y306d15h00m00s; * *-------------------- cover letter -------------------- *This is the schedule for the 1.3cm NME FTP-FT on November 1, 2024 *involving the following 9 EVN + 4 eMERLIN + 4 KVN + 4 VERA stations: *Jb2, On60, T6, Ur, Tr, Mh, Ys, Hh, Sr, *Cm, Da, Kn, Pi, *Kt, Ky, Ku, Kc, *Vm, Vr, Vo, Vs. * *The NME uses a 2 Gbps setup where possible (16BBC/32MHz/dual), *except for e-Merlin (512 Mbps, 2BBC/64MHz/dual). * *The NME lasts for 3 hours (01/11,12-15UT) with scans on calibrators: *J1801+4404, J2025+3343, J2139+1423, J2203+3145, and J2157+3127 (pref), *where the final source will be used for testing phase referencing. * *J1801+4404 -- *J2025+3343 -- *J2139+1423 -- *J2203+3145 -- *J2157+3127 -- * *Data grabs for testing will be at the following times (in UT): *12:10:00 (scan 2, 2 sec, J1801+4404) *12:40:00 (scan 4, 2 sec, J1801+4404) *13:10:00 (scan 6, 2 sec, J2025+3343) *13:40:00 (scan 8, 2 sec, J2025+3343) *14:10:00 (scan 10, 2 sec, J2139+1423) *14:35:00 (scan 22, 2 sec, J2203+3145) *14:59:00 (scan 34, 2 sec, J2203+3145) * *-- *Gabor Orosz *Mattermost: *------------------------- end ------------------------- * target_correlator = JIVE; * * integr_time : 2.000 s * number_channels: 64 * number_antenna : 21 * cross_polarize : Yes * weight_func : UNIFORM * distrib_medium : FTP * distrib_format : FITS * source_pos_cat : STANDARD * distribute_to : * n/a * enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $MODE; * def sess324.K2048; ref $PROCEDURES = Mode_01; ref $FREQ = 22139.49MHz16x32MHz:Jb:O6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr; ref $FREQ = 22139.49MHz16x32MHz#02:T6; ref $FREQ = 22235.49MHz2x64MHz:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $FREQ = 22139.49MHz16x32MHz#03:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc; ref $FREQ = 22107.49MHz16x32MHz:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; ref $IF = LO@23016MHzDPolNoTone:Jb; ref $IF = LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone:O6:Hh; ref $IF = LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#04:T6; ref $IF = LO@21992MHzDPolNoTone#02:Ur; ref $IF = LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#02:Tr:Mh; ref $IF = LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#03:Ys; ref $IF = LO@21992MHzDPolNoTone:Sr; ref $IF = LO@23016MHzDPolNoTone#02:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $IF = LO@34000MHzDPolNoTone:Kt:Ky:Ku; ref $IF = LO@34110MHzDPolNoTone:Kc; ref $IF = LO@16800MHzDPolNoTone:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; ref $BBC = 16BBCs:Jb; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#02:O6:Hh:Sr; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#06:T6; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#05:Ur; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#03:Tr:Mh; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#04:Ys; ref $BBC = 2BBCs:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $BBC = 8BBCs:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc; ref $BBC = 16BBCs#07:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.16Ch2bit1to1:Jb:O6:T6:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr; ref $TRACKS = MARK5B.16Ch2bit1to1:Ur; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.2Ch2bit1to1:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $TRACKS = VDIF.16Ch2bit1to1#02:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc; ref $TRACKS = MARK5B.16Ch2bit1to1#02:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; ref $BITSTREAMS = UrBitstreams:Ur; ref $BITSTREAMS = VmBitstreams:Vo:Vr:Vm:Vs; ref $THREADS = KcThreads:Ku:Kt:Ky:Kc; ref $THREADS = HhThreads:Hh:T6:Sr:Tr:Mh:O6:Ys; ref $THREADS = CmThreads:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $THREADS = JbThreads:Jb; * ref $HEAD_POS = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $ROLL = NoRoll:Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; * ref $PASS_ORDER = DiskVoid <= obsolete definition ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect:Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr; ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect#04:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi; ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect#02:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc; ref $PHASE_CAL_DETECT = NoDetect#03:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $STATION; * def Jb; ref $SITE = JODRELL2; ref $ANTENNA = JODRELL2; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = JB; ref $CLOCK = JB; enddef; * def O6; ref $SITE = ONSALA60; ref $ANTENNA = ONSALA60; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = O6; ref $CLOCK = O6; enddef; * def T6; ref $SITE = TIANMA65; ref $ANTENNA = TIANMA65; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = T6; ref $CLOCK = T6; enddef; * def Ur; ref $SITE = URUMQI; ref $ANTENNA = URUMQI; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<#02; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = UR; ref $CLOCK = UR; enddef; * def Tr; ref $SITE = TORUN; ref $ANTENNA = TORUN; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = TR; ref $CLOCK = TR; enddef; * def Mh; ref $SITE = METSAHOV; ref $ANTENNA = METSAHOV; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = MH; ref $CLOCK = MH; enddef; * def Ys; ref $SITE = YEBES40M; ref $ANTENNA = YEBES40M; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = YS; ref $CLOCK = YS; enddef; * def Hh; ref $SITE = HART; ref $ANTENNA = HART; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = HH; ref $CLOCK = HH; enddef; * def Sr; ref $SITE = SARDINIA; ref $ANTENNA = SARDINIA; ref $DAS = 2DBBC+NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = SR; ref $CLOCK = SR; enddef; * def Cm; ref $SITE = CAMBG32M; ref $ANTENNA = CAMBG32M; ref $DAS = 2NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = CM; ref $CLOCK = CM; enddef; * def Da; ref $SITE = DARNHALL; ref $ANTENNA = DARNHALL; ref $DAS = 2NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = DA; ref $CLOCK = DA; enddef; * def Kn; ref $SITE = KNOCKIN; ref $ANTENNA = KNOCKIN; ref $DAS = 2NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = KN; ref $CLOCK = KN; enddef; * def Pi; ref $SITE = PICKMERE; ref $ANTENNA = PICKMERE; ref $DAS = 2NONE<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = PI; ref $CLOCK = PI; enddef; * def Kt; ref $SITE = KVNTN; ref $ANTENNA = KVNTN; ref $DAS = 2NONE+KVN<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = KT; ref $CLOCK = KT; enddef; * def Ky; ref $SITE = KVNYS; ref $ANTENNA = KVNYS; ref $DAS = 2NONE+KVN<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = KY; ref $CLOCK = KY; enddef; * def Ku; ref $SITE = KVNUS; ref $ANTENNA = KVNUS; ref $DAS = 2NONE+KVN<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = KU; ref $CLOCK = KU; enddef; * def Kc; ref $SITE = KVNPC; ref $ANTENNA = KVNPC; ref $DAS = 2NONE+KVN<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = KC; ref $CLOCK = KC; enddef; * def Vm; ref $SITE = VERAMZSW; ref $ANTENNA = VERAMZSW; ref $DAS = 2NONE+VERA<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = VM; ref $CLOCK = VM; enddef; * def Vr; ref $SITE = VERAIRIK; ref $ANTENNA = VERAIRIK; ref $DAS = 2NONE+VERA<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = VR; ref $CLOCK = VR; enddef; * def Vo; ref $SITE = VERAOGSW; ref $ANTENNA = VERAOGSW; ref $DAS = 2NONE+VERA<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = VO; ref $CLOCK = VO; enddef; * def Vs; ref $SITE = VERAISGK; ref $ANTENNA = VERAISGK; ref $DAS = 2NONE+VERA<; ref $TAPELOG_OBS = VS; ref $CLOCK = VS; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PROCEDURES; * def Mode_01; procedure_name_prefix = "01"; tape_change = 420 sec; headstack_motion = 6 sec; new_source_command = 5 sec; new_tape_setup = 20 sec; setup_always = on : 20 sec; parity_check = off : 100 sec; tape_prepass = off : 600 sec; preob_cal = on : 10 sec : preob; midob_cal = on : 15 sec : midob; postob_cal = on : 0 sec : postob; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SITE; * def JODRELL2; site_type = fixed; site_name = JODRELL2; site_ID = Jb; * elev= 143.77 long= 002:18:14. lat= 53:14:02.3 * site_position = 3822846.76000 m: -153802.28000 m: 5086285.90000 m; site_position = 3822846.43434 m: -153801.80570 m: 5086286.15914 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def ONSALA60; site_type = fixed; site_name = ONSALA60; site_ID = O6; * elev= 59.34 long=-011:55:34. lat= 57:23:45.0 * site_position = 3370605.70350 m: 711917.81460 m: 5349830.98520 m; site_position = 3370605.63468 m: 711917.88478 m: 5349831.03787 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def TIANMA65; site_type = fixed; site_name = TIANMA65; site_ID = T6; * elev= 49.13 long=-121:08:09. lat= 31:05:31.6 * site_position =-2826708.80810 m: 4679236.97220 m: 3274667.44950 m; site_position =-2826708.93995 m: 4679236.89215 m: 3274667.37071 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def URUMQI; site_type = fixed; site_name = URUMQI; site_ID = Ur; * elev= 2033.43 long=-087:10:41. lat= 43:28:17.4 * site_position = 228309.99220 m: 4631922.89750 m: 4367064.24070 m; site_position = 228309.83535 m: 4631922.88918 m: 4367064.26512 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def TORUN; site_type = fixed; site_name = TORUN; site_ID = Tr; * elev= 133.61 long=-018:33:50. lat= 53:05:43.7 * site_position = 3638558.51000 m: 1221969.72000 m: 5077036.76000 m; site_position = 3638558.06437 m: 1221970.17788 m: 5077036.96932 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg:360.0; horizon_map_el = 2.0 deg: 2.0; enddef; * def METSAHOV; site_type = fixed; site_name = METSAHOV; site_ID = Mh; * elev= 80.01 long=-024:23:35. lat= 60:13:04.1 * site_position = 2892584.73390 m: 1311715.69180 m: 5512640.23350 m; site_position = 2892584.65352 m: 1311715.76125 m: 5512640.28211 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def YEBES40M; site_type = fixed; site_name = YEBES40M; site_ID = Ys; * elev= 988.96 long= 003:05:12. lat= 40:31:28.8 * site_position = 4848761.75790 m: -261484.05700 m: 4123085.13430 m; site_position = 4848761.71848 m: -261483.96370 m: 4123085.20240 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def HART; site_type = fixed; site_name = HART; site_ID = Hh; * elev= 1415.72 long=-027:41:07. lat=-25:53:23.1 * site_position = 5085442.77210 m: 2668263.93000 m:-2768696.62990 m; site_position = 5085442.77157 m: 2668264.02509 m:-2768696.54898 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 10.0: 14.0: 19.0: 23.0: 26.0: 29.0: 31.0: 55.0: 63.0: 72.0: 95.0:104.0:110.0:114.0:119.0:125.0: 131.0:138.0:147.0:159.0:172.0:178.0:182.0:188.0: 201.0:213.0:222.0:229.0:235.0:241.0:246.0:250.0: 256.0:260.0:264.0:270.0:279.0:285.0:293.0:302.0: 311.0:318.0:325.0:331.0:334.0:337.0:341.0:346.0: 350.0:360.0; horizon_map_el = 19.0 deg: 18.0: 17.0: 15.0: 13.0: 11.0: 9.0: 7.0: 6.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: 9.0: 11.0: 13.0: 15.0: 17.0: 19.0: 21.0: 23.0: 25.0: 26.0: 33.0: 33.0: 26.0: 25.0: 23.0: 21.0: 19.0: 17.0: 15.0: 13.0: 11.0: 9.0: 7.0: 5.0: 3.0: 3.0: 5.0: 7.0: 9.0: 10.0: 10.0: 9.0: 9.0: 11.0: 13.0: 15.0: 17.0: 18.0: 19.0; enddef; * def SARDINIA; site_type = fixed; site_name = SARDINIA; site_ID = Sr; * elev= 671.47 long=-009:14:42. lat= 39:29:35.0 * site_position = 4865183.54200 m: 791922.25500 m: 4035136.02400 m; site_position = 4865183.24024 m: 791922.73410 m: 4035136.29373 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def CAMBG32M; site_type = fixed; site_name = CAMBG32M; site_ID = Cm; * elev= 83.47 long=-000:02:13. lat= 52:10:01.0 * site_position = 3920356.15000 m: 2542.02000 m: 5014284.42000 m; site_position = 3920355.81543 m: 2542.50098 m: 5014284.68137 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def DARNHALL; site_type = fixed; site_name = DARNHALL; site_ID = Da; * elev= 111.88 long= 002:32:08. lat= 53:09:22.7 * site_position = 3829087.89900 m: -169568.95500 m: 5081082.34600 m; site_position = 3829087.57528 m: -169568.48014 m: 5081082.60597 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def KNOCKIN; site_type = fixed; site_name = KNOCKIN; site_ID = Kn; * elev= 131.44 long= 002:59:49. lat= 52:47:25.0 * site_position = 3860084.89800 m: -202105.03900 m: 5056568.84800 m; site_position = 3860084.57874 m: -202104.56219 m: 5056569.11076 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def PICKMERE; site_type = fixed; site_name = PICKMERE; site_ID = Pi; * elev= 100.41 long= 002:26:43. lat= 53:17:19.4 * site_position = 3817549.95600 m: -163031.14100 m: 5089896.65400 m; site_position = 3817549.63089 m: -163030.66698 m: 5089896.91286 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def KVNTN; site_type = fixed; site_name = KVNTN; site_ID = Kt; * elev= 441.44 long=-126:27:34. lat= 33:17:20.4 * site_position =-3171731.68180 m: 4292678.53180 m: 3481038.78800 m; site_position =-3171731.68180 m: 4292678.53180 m: 3481038.78800 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 35.0: 39.0: 45.0: 50.0: 55.0: 60.0: 70.0: 80.0: 90.0:295.0:310.0:315.0:320.0:330.0:335.0:345.0; horizon_map_el = 9.0 deg: 8.0: 9.0: 8.0: 7.0: 6.0: 5.0: 4.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: 9.0; enddef; * def KVNYS; site_type = fixed; site_name = KVNYS; site_ID = Ky; * elev= 121.73 long=-126:56:27. lat= 37:33:54.6 * site_position =-3042281.02900 m: 4045902.66730 m: 3867374.33130 m; site_position =-3042281.02900 m: 4045902.66730 m: 3867374.33130 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 15.0: 25.0: 30.0: 45.0: 65.0: 75.0: 85.0:110.0:112.0:175.0:180.0:200.0:245.0:250.0; horizon_map_el = 3.0 deg: 5.0: 7.0: 9.0: 8.0: 6.0: 7.0: 5.0: 4.0: 3.0: 6.0: 3.0: 6.0: 7.0: 3.0: 4.0: 3.0; enddef; * def KVNUS; site_type = fixed; site_name = KVNUS; site_ID = Ku; * elev= 161.40 long=-129:14:59. lat= 35:32:44.2 * site_position =-3287268.65910 m: 4023450.12910 m: 3687379.98830 m; site_position =-3287268.65910 m: 4023450.12910 m: 3687379.98830 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 5.0: 10.0: 20.0: 30.0: 35.0: 40.0:175.0:180.0: 185.0:190.0:195.0:200.0:205.0:210.0:215.0:230.0: 235.0:248.0:255.0:265.0:270.0:280.0:285.0:290.0: 305.0:310.0:337.0:345.0:350.0; horizon_map_el = 7.0 deg: 3.0: 7.0: 6.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 4.0: 4.0: 5.0: 4.0: 5.0: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: 9.0: 8.0: 9.0: 7.0: 6.0: 4.0: 5.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 3.0: 2.0: 7.0; enddef; * def KVNPC; site_type = fixed; site_name = KVNPC; site_ID = Kc; * elev= 556.84 long=-128:26:55. lat= 37:32:00.1 * site_position =-3149228.75450 m: 3966414.58540 m: 3864840.18790 m; site_position =-3149228.75450 m: 3966414.58540 m: 3864840.18790 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. horizon_map_az = 0.0 deg: 35.0: 55.0: 90.0:110.0:130.0:160.0:180.0:200.0: 235.0:260.0:275.0:300.0:320.0:350.0; horizon_map_el = 5.0 deg: 6.0: 7.0: 8.0: 8.0: 10.0: 6.0: 6.0: 10.0: 17.0: 17.0: 13.0: 10.0: 6.0: 3.0; enddef; * def VERAMZSW; site_type = fixed; site_name = VERAMZSW; site_ID = Vm; * elev= 116.60 long=-141:07:57. lat= 39:08:00.7 * site_position =-3857244.24180 m: 3108783.52640 m: 4003899.41490 m; site_position =-3857244.52193 m: 3108783.45337 m: 4003899.35125 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def VERAIRIK; site_type = fixed; site_name = VERAIRIK; site_ID = Vr; * elev= 573.57 long=-130:26:23. lat= 31:44:52.4 * site_position =-3521719.76740 m: 4132174.65480 m: 3336994.15110 m; site_position =-3521719.76740 m: 4132174.65480 m: 3336994.15110 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def VERAOGSW; site_type = fixed; site_name = VERAOGSW; site_ID = Vo; * elev= 273.10 long=-142:12:59. lat= 27:05:30.5 * site_position =-4491068.60550 m: 3481545.05060 m: 2887399.68150 m; site_position =-4491068.60550 m: 3481545.05060 m: 2887399.68150 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; * def VERAISGK; site_type = fixed; site_name = VERAISGK; site_ID = Vs; * elev= 65.23 long=-124:10:15. lat= 24:24:43.8 * site_position =-3263995.47160 m: 4808056.41490 m: 2619948.56320 m; site_position =-3263995.72968 m: 4808056.47284 m: 2619948.34807 m; * First line below is VEX standard format. Use only when readers are ready. enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ANTENNA; * def JODRELL2; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.022 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: -30.00 deg: el : 1.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : -30.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 1.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 330.00 deg: el : 1.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.45800 m; enddef; * def ONSALA60; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 57.0 deg/min : 5 sec; * 0.400 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 180.0 deg/min : 5 sec; * 0.300 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : 340.00 deg: 380.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 87.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 380.00 deg: 700.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 87.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 700.00 deg: 740.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 87.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = -0.00220 m; enddef; * def TIANMA65; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 15.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 30.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -80.00 deg: 80.00 deg: el : 7.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 80.00 deg: 280.00 deg: el : 7.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 280.00 deg: 440.00 deg: el : 7.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00960 m; enddef; * def URUMQI; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 30.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.500 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 60.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.500 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -80.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 280.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 280.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = -0.00270 m; enddef; * def TORUN; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 16.0 deg/min : 5 sec; * 0.030 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 30.0 deg/min : 5 sec; * 0.050 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -80.00 deg: 80.00 deg: el : 3.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 80.00 deg: 280.00 deg: el : 3.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 280.00 deg: 440.00 deg: el : 3.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 pointing_sector = &ccwp : az : -80.00 deg: 80.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 93.00 deg; * CWZ 4 pointing_sector = &np : az : 80.00 deg: 280.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 93.00 deg; * CWZ 5 pointing_sector = &cwp : az : 280.00 deg: 440.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 93.00 deg; * CWZ 6 axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def METSAHOV; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 60.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 60.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.250 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -55.00 deg: 55.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 55.00 deg: 305.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 305.00 deg: 415.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 pointing_sector = &ccwp : az : -55.00 deg: 55.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 95.00 deg; * CWZ 4 pointing_sector = &np : az : 55.00 deg: 305.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 95.00 deg; * CWZ 5 pointing_sector = &cwp : az : 305.00 deg: 415.00 deg: el : 90.00 deg: 95.00 deg; * CWZ 6 axis_offset = -0.00000 m; enddef; * def YEBES40M; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 60.0 deg/min : 15 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 60.0 deg/min : 15 sec; * 1000.000 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -60.00 deg: 60.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 60.00 deg: 300.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 300.00 deg: 420.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 88.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 1.99600 m; enddef; * def HART; axis_type = ha : dec; antenna_motion = dec : 30.0 deg/min : 20 sec; * 0.071 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = ha : 30.0 deg/min : 20 sec; * 0.071 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 6.69340 m; enddef; * def SARDINIA; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 30.0 deg/min : 3 sec; * 0.180 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 51.0 deg/min : 3 sec; * 0.300 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.03100 m; enddef; * def CAMBG32M; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.023 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 40.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.026 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : 270.00 deg: 325.00 deg: el : 2.00 deg: 89.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 325.00 deg: 630.00 deg: el : 2.00 deg: 89.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 630.00 deg: 685.00 deg: el : 2.00 deg: 89.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 1.50300 m; enddef; * def DARNHALL; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -85.00 deg: -35.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : -35.00 deg: 275.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 275.00 deg: 325.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def KNOCKIN; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -85.00 deg: -35.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : -35.00 deg: 275.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 275.00 deg: 325.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def PICKMERE; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 20.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 0.016 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -85.00 deg: -35.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : -35.00 deg: 275.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 275.00 deg: 325.00 deg: el : 2.50 deg: 90.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def KVNTN; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def KVNYS; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def KVNUS; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def KVNPC; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 177.0 deg/min : 2 sec; * 3.000 deg/sec/sec axis_offset = 0.00000 m; enddef; * def VERAMZSW; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00380 m; enddef; * def VERAIRIK; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.02800 m; enddef; * def VERAOGSW; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00300 m; enddef; * def VERAISGK; axis_type = az : el; antenna_motion = el : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec antenna_motion = az : 126.0 deg/min : 10 sec; * 2.100 deg/sec/sec pointing_sector = &ccw : az : -90.00 deg: 90.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 1 pointing_sector = &n : az : 90.00 deg: 270.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 2 pointing_sector = &cw : az : 270.00 deg: 450.00 deg: el : 5.00 deg: 85.00 deg; * CWZ 3 axis_offset = 0.00660 m; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $DAS; * def 2DBBC+NONE<; record_transport_type = Mark5C; electronics_rack_type = DBBC; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; * def 2DBBC+NONE<#02; record_transport_type = Mark5B; electronics_rack_type = DBBC; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; * def 2NONE<; record_transport_type = Mark5C; electronics_rack_type = WIDAR; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; * def 2NONE+KVN<; * record_transport_type = Mark6; * electronics_rack_type = none; record_transport_type = Mark5C; electronics_rack_type = DBBC; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; * def 2NONE+VERA<; record_transport_type = Mark5B; electronics_rack_type = none; number_drives = 2; headstack = 1 : : 0 ; headstack = 2 : : 1 ; tape_motion = adaptive : 0 min: 0 min: 10 sec; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SOURCE; * def J1801+4404; source_name = J1801+4404; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 1800+440 * alternate source name: J1801+44 * GSFC 2016a X/S astro solution, 6631 observations. ra = 18h01m32.3148230s; dec = 44d04'21.900264"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 18h00m03.1977289s; dec = 44d04'18.352964"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 18h02m15.2145032s; dec = 44d04'31.450109"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def J2025+3343; source_name = J2025+3343; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 2023+336 * alternate source name: 2023+33 * alternate source name: 2023+335 * alternate source name: J2025+33 * GSFC 2016a X/S astro solution, 403 observations. ra = 20h25m10.8421061s; dec = 33d43'00.214364"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 20h23m12.9871062s; dec = 33d33'10.527724"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 20h26m08.7996011s; dec = 33d48'03.635112"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def J2139+1423; source_name = J2139+1423; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 2136+141 * alternate source name: J2139+14 * GSFC 2016a X/S astro solution, 53632 observations. ra = 21h39m01.3092686s; dec = 14d23'35.992156"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 21h36m37.4121467s; dec = 14d10'00.621008"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 21h40m12.7395226s; dec = 14d30'27.806692"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def J2157+3127; source_name = J2157+3127; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 2155+312 * GSFC 2016a X/S astro solution, 3123 observations. ra = 21h57m28.8238875s; dec = 31d27'01.351741"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 21h55m15.9304423s; dec = 31d12'41.624700"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 21h58m34.8251039s; dec = 31d34'19.704955"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; * def J2203+3145; source_name = J2203+3145; * this source had calibrator code: V * alternate source name: 2201+315 * alternate source name: J2203+31 * GSFC 2016a X/S astro solution, 33250 observations. ra = 22h03m14.9757881s; dec = 31d45'38.269935"; ref_coord_frame = J2000; * ra = 22h01m01.4419967s; dec = 31d31'05.875001"; ref_coord_frame = B1950; * ra = 22h04m21.3299711s; dec = 31d53'03.023532"; ref_coord_frame = Date; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $FREQ; * def 22139.49MHz16x32MHz; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr sample_rate = 64.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC09 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC09 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH05 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH06 : &BBC10 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH07 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH08 : &BBC10 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH09 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH10 : &BBC11 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH11 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH12 : &BBC11 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH13 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH14 : &BBC12 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH15 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH16 : &BBC12 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; * def 22139.49MHz16x32MHz#02; * mode = 1 stations =T6 sample_rate = 64.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC05 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC05 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH05 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH06 : &BBC06 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH07 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH08 : &BBC06 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH09 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH10 : &BBC07 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH11 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH12 : &BBC07 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH13 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH14 : &BBC08 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH15 : &BBC04 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH16 : &BBC08 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; * def 22139.49MHz16x32MHz#03; * mode = 1 stations =Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc sample_rate = 64.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH05 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH06 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH07 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH08 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH09 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH10 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH11 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH12 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH13 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH14 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : L : 32.00 MHz : &CH15 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH16 : &BBC03 : &NoCal; *Rcp enddef; * def 22107.49MHz16x32MHz; * mode = 1 stations =Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs sample_rate = 64.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 22107.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22107.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH03 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22139.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH04 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22171.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH05 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22171.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH06 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH07 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22203.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH08 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22235.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH09 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22235.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH10 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH11 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22267.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH12 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22299.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH13 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22299.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH14 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH15 : &BBC02 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22331.49 MHz : U : 32.00 MHz : &CH16 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; * def 22235.49MHz2x64MHz; * mode = 1 stations =Cm:Da:Kn:Pi sample_rate = 128.000 Ms/sec; * (2bits/sample) chan_def = : 22235.49 MHz : U : 64.00 MHz : &CH01 : &BBC01 : &NoCal; *Rcp chan_def = : 22235.49 MHz : U : 64.00 MHz : &CH02 : &BBC09 : &NoCal; *Lcp enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $IF; * def LO@23016MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =Jb if_def = &IF_A2 : A2 : R : 23016.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_B2 : B2 : L : 23016.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =O6:Hh if_def = &IF_A1 : A1 : R : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_C1 : C1 : L : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21992MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =Sr if_def = &IF_A1 : A1 : R : 21992.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_C1 : C1 : L : 21992.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#02; * mode = 1 stations =Tr:Mh if_def = &IF_A1 : A1 : R : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_B1 : B1 : L : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#03; * mode = 1 stations =Ys if_def = &IF_A4 : A4 : R : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_C4 : C4 : L : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21992MHzDPolNoTone#02; * mode = 1 stations =Ur if_def = &IF_A2 : A2 : R : 21992.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_C1 : C1 : L : 21992.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@21480MHzDPolNoTone#04; * mode = 1 stations =T6 if_def = &IF_A4 : A4 : R : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_B3 : B3 : L : 21480.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@34000MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =Kt:Ky:Ku if_def = &IF_A : A : L : 34000.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 34000.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA enddef; * def LO@34110MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =Kc if_def = &IF_A : A : L : 34110.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA if_def = &IF_B : B : R : 34110.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 omit 0 NA enddef; * def LO@16800MHzDPolNoTone; * mode = 1 stations =Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs if_def = &IF_R2 : R2 : R : 16800.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_R1 : R1 : L : 16800.00 MHz : U ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; * def LO@23016MHzDPolNoTone#02; * mode = 1 stations =Cm:Da:Kn:Pi if_def = &IF_A1 : A1 : R : 23016.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA if_def = &IF_B1 : B1 : L : 23016.00 MHz : L ; * PCall off! 0.0 0.0 NA 0 NA enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $BBC; * def 16BBCs; * mode = 1 stations =Jb BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_B2; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC10 : 10 : &IF_B2; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC11 : 11 : &IF_B2; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC12 : 12 : &IF_B2; enddef; * def 16BBCs#02; * mode = 1 stations =O6:Hh:Sr BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC10 : 10 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC11 : 11 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC12 : 12 : &IF_C1; enddef; * def 16BBCs#03; * mode = 1 stations =Tr:Mh BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_B1; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC10 : 10 : &IF_B1; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC11 : 11 : &IF_B1; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC12 : 12 : &IF_B1; enddef; * def 16BBCs#04; * mode = 1 stations =Ys BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_C4; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC10 : 10 : &IF_C4; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC11 : 11 : &IF_C4; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC12 : 12 : &IF_C4; enddef; * def 16BBCs#05; * mode = 1 stations =Ur BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC10 : 10 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC11 : 11 : &IF_C1; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A2; BBC_assign = &BBC12 : 12 : &IF_C1; enddef; * def 16BBCs#06; * mode = 1 stations =T6 BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC05 : 5 : &IF_B3; BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC06 : 6 : &IF_B3; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC07 : 7 : &IF_B3; BBC_assign = &BBC04 : 4 : &IF_A4; BBC_assign = &BBC08 : 8 : &IF_B3; enddef; * def 8BBCs; * mode = 1 stations =Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A; BBC_assign = &BBC03 : 3 : &IF_B; enddef; * def 16BBCs#07; * mode = 1 stations =Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs BBC_assign = &BBC02 : 2 : &IF_R2; BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_R1; enddef; * def 2BBCs; * mode = 1 stations =Cm:Da:Kn:Pi BBC_assign = &BBC01 : 1 : &IF_A1; BBC_assign = &BBC09 : 9 : &IF_B1; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PHASE_CAL_DETECT; * def NoDetect; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; * def NoDetect#02; * mode = 1 stations =Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; * def NoDetect#03; * mode = 1 stations =Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; * def NoDetect#04; * mode = 1 stations =Cm:Da:Kn:Pi phase_cal_detect = &NoCal; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $TRACKS; * def VDIF.16Ch2bit1to1; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:T6:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr * firmware_type = DBBC_DDC; * format = VDIF, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 64.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = VDIF5032; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH05 : sign : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH05 : mag : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH06 : sign : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH06 : mag : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH07 : sign : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH07 : mag : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH08 : sign : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH08 : mag : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH09 : sign : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH09 : mag : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH10 : sign : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH10 : mag : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH11 : sign : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH11 : mag : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH12 : sign : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH12 : mag : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH13 : sign : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH13 : mag : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH14 : sign : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH14 : mag : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH15 : sign : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH15 : mag : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH16 : sign : 1: 16; fanout_def = : &CH16 : mag : 1: 16; enddef; * def MARK5B.16Ch2bit1to1; * mode = 1 stations =Ur * firmware_type = DBBC_DDC; * format = MARK5B, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 64.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = MARK5B; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 18; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 19; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 26; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 27; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH05 : sign : 1: 20; fanout_def = : &CH05 : mag : 1: 21; fanout_def = : &CH06 : sign : 1: 28; fanout_def = : &CH06 : mag : 1: 29; fanout_def = : &CH07 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH07 : mag : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH08 : sign : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH08 : mag : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH09 : sign : 1: 22; fanout_def = : &CH09 : mag : 1: 23; fanout_def = : &CH10 : sign : 1: 30; fanout_def = : &CH10 : mag : 1: 31; fanout_def = : &CH11 : sign : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH11 : mag : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH12 : sign : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH12 : mag : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH13 : sign : 1: 24; fanout_def = : &CH13 : mag : 1: 25; fanout_def = : &CH14 : sign : 1: 32; fanout_def = : &CH14 : mag : 1: 33; fanout_def = : &CH15 : sign : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH15 : mag : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH16 : sign : 1: 16; fanout_def = : &CH16 : mag : 1: 17; enddef; * def VDIF.16Ch2bit1to1#02; * mode = 1 stations =Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc * format = VDIF, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 64.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = VDIF5032; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH05 : sign : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH05 : mag : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH06 : sign : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH06 : mag : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH07 : sign : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH07 : mag : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH08 : sign : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH08 : mag : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH09 : sign : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH09 : mag : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH10 : sign : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH10 : mag : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH11 : sign : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH11 : mag : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH12 : sign : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH12 : mag : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH13 : sign : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH13 : mag : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH14 : sign : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH14 : mag : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH15 : sign : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH15 : mag : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH16 : sign : 1: 16; fanout_def = : &CH16 : mag : 1: 16; enddef; * def MARK5B.16Ch2bit1to1#02; * mode = 1 stations =Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs * format = MARK5B, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 64.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = MARK5B; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 3; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 4; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 5; fanout_def = : &CH03 : sign : 1: 6; fanout_def = : &CH03 : mag : 1: 7; fanout_def = : &CH04 : sign : 1: 8; fanout_def = : &CH04 : mag : 1: 9; fanout_def = : &CH05 : sign : 1: 10; fanout_def = : &CH05 : mag : 1: 11; fanout_def = : &CH06 : sign : 1: 12; fanout_def = : &CH06 : mag : 1: 13; fanout_def = : &CH07 : sign : 1: 14; fanout_def = : &CH07 : mag : 1: 15; fanout_def = : &CH08 : sign : 1: 16; fanout_def = : &CH08 : mag : 1: 17; fanout_def = : &CH09 : sign : 1: 18; fanout_def = : &CH09 : mag : 1: 19; fanout_def = : &CH10 : sign : 1: 20; fanout_def = : &CH10 : mag : 1: 21; fanout_def = : &CH11 : sign : 1: 22; fanout_def = : &CH11 : mag : 1: 23; fanout_def = : &CH12 : sign : 1: 24; fanout_def = : &CH12 : mag : 1: 25; fanout_def = : &CH13 : sign : 1: 26; fanout_def = : &CH13 : mag : 1: 27; fanout_def = : &CH14 : sign : 1: 28; fanout_def = : &CH14 : mag : 1: 29; fanout_def = : &CH15 : sign : 1: 30; fanout_def = : &CH15 : mag : 1: 31; fanout_def = : &CH16 : sign : 1: 32; fanout_def = : &CH16 : mag : 1: 33; enddef; * def VDIF.2Ch2bit1to1; * mode = 1 stations =Cm:Da:Kn:Pi * format = VDIF, and fan-out = 1 * mode requires 128.00Mb/s/tr; stations using disks track_frame_format = VDIF5032; fanout_def = : &CH01 : sign : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH01 : mag : 1: 1; fanout_def = : &CH02 : sign : 1: 2; fanout_def = : &CH02 : mag : 1: 2; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $BITSTREAMS; * def UrBitstreams; * Stations = Ur * Modes = sess324.K2048 stream_def = &CH01 : sign : 16 : 16; stream_def = &CH01 : mag : 17 : 17; stream_def = &CH02 : sign : 24 : 24; stream_def = &CH02 : mag : 25 : 25; stream_def = &CH03 : sign : 0 : 0; stream_def = &CH03 : mag : 1 : 1; stream_def = &CH04 : sign : 8 : 8; stream_def = &CH04 : mag : 9 : 9; stream_def = &CH05 : sign : 18 : 18; stream_def = &CH05 : mag : 19 : 19; stream_def = &CH06 : sign : 26 : 26; stream_def = &CH06 : mag : 27 : 27; stream_def = &CH07 : sign : 2 : 2; stream_def = &CH07 : mag : 3 : 3; stream_def = &CH08 : sign : 10 : 10; stream_def = &CH08 : mag : 11 : 11; stream_def = &CH09 : sign : 20 : 20; stream_def = &CH09 : mag : 21 : 21; stream_def = &CH10 : sign : 28 : 28; stream_def = &CH10 : mag : 29 : 29; stream_def = &CH11 : sign : 4 : 4; stream_def = &CH11 : mag : 5 : 5; stream_def = &CH12 : sign : 12 : 12; stream_def = &CH12 : mag : 13 : 13; stream_def = &CH13 : sign : 22 : 22; stream_def = &CH13 : mag : 23 : 23; stream_def = &CH14 : sign : 30 : 30; stream_def = &CH14 : mag : 31 : 31; stream_def = &CH15 : sign : 6 : 6; stream_def = &CH15 : mag : 7 : 7; stream_def = &CH16 : sign : 14 : 14; stream_def = &CH16 : mag : 15 : 15; enddef; * def VmBitstreams; * Stations = Vm:Vo:Vr:Vs * Modes = sess324.K2048 ** PREVIOUSLY (~2009-2011) was simply increasing BtStrm with channel * stream_def = &CH01 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH01 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH02 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH02 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH03 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH03 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH04 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH04 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH05 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH05 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH06 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH06 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH07 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH07 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH08 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH08 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH09 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH09 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH10 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH10 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH11 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH11 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH12 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH12 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH13 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH13 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH14 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH14 : mag : 1 : 15; * stream_def = &CH15 : sign : 2 : 23; * stream_def = &CH15 : mag : 3 : 31; * stream_def = &CH16 : sign : 0 : 7; * stream_def = &CH16 : mag : 1 : 15; stream_def = &CH01 : sign : 0 : 0; stream_def = &CH01 : mag : 1 : 1; stream_def = &CH02 : sign : 2 : 2; stream_def = &CH02 : mag : 3 : 3; stream_def = &CH03 : sign : 4 : 4; stream_def = &CH03 : mag : 5 : 5; stream_def = &CH04 : sign : 6 : 6; stream_def = &CH04 : mag : 7 : 7; stream_def = &CH05 : sign : 8 : 8; stream_def = &CH05 : mag : 9 : 9; stream_def = &CH06 : sign : 10 : 10; stream_def = &CH06 : mag : 11 : 11; stream_def = &CH07 : sign : 12 : 12; stream_def = &CH07 : mag : 13 : 13; stream_def = &CH08 : sign : 14 : 14; stream_def = &CH08 : mag : 15 : 15; stream_def = &CH09 : sign : 16 : 16; stream_def = &CH09 : mag : 17 : 17; stream_def = &CH10 : sign : 18 : 18; stream_def = &CH10 : mag : 19 : 19; stream_def = &CH11 : sign : 20 : 20; stream_def = &CH11 : mag : 21 : 21; stream_def = &CH12 : sign : 22 : 22; stream_def = &CH12 : mag : 23 : 23; stream_def = &CH13 : sign : 24 : 24; stream_def = &CH13 : mag : 25 : 25; stream_def = &CH14 : sign : 26 : 26; stream_def = &CH14 : mag : 27 : 27; stream_def = &CH15 : sign : 28 : 28; stream_def = &CH15 : mag : 29 : 29; stream_def = &CH16 : sign : 30 : 30; stream_def = &CH16 : mag : 31 : 31; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $THREADS; * def JbThreads; * Stations = Jb * Modes = sess324.K2048 format = VDIF : : 2048; thread = 0 : 1 : 1 : 2048 : 16 : 2 : : : 8000; channel = &CH01 : 0 : 0; channel = &CH02 : 0 : 4; channel = &CH03 : 0 : 8; channel = &CH04 : 0 : 12; channel = &CH05 : 0 : 1; channel = &CH06 : 0 : 5; channel = &CH07 : 0 : 9; channel = &CH08 : 0 : 13; channel = &CH09 : 0 : 2; channel = &CH10 : 0 : 6; channel = &CH11 : 0 : 10; channel = &CH12 : 0 : 14; channel = &CH13 : 0 : 3; channel = &CH14 : 0 : 7; channel = &CH15 : 0 : 11; channel = &CH16 : 0 : 15; enddef; * def HhThreads; * Stations = Hh:Mh:O6:Sr:T6:Tr:Ys * Modes = sess324.K2048 format = VDIF : : 2048; thread = 0 : 1 : 1 : 2048 : 16 : 2 : : : 8000; channel = &CH01 : 0 : 8; channel = &CH02 : 0 : 12; channel = &CH03 : 0 : 0; channel = &CH04 : 0 : 4; channel = &CH05 : 0 : 9; channel = &CH06 : 0 : 13; channel = &CH07 : 0 : 1; channel = &CH08 : 0 : 5; channel = &CH09 : 0 : 10; channel = &CH10 : 0 : 14; channel = &CH11 : 0 : 2; channel = &CH12 : 0 : 6; channel = &CH13 : 0 : 11; channel = &CH14 : 0 : 15; channel = &CH15 : 0 : 3; channel = &CH16 : 0 : 7; enddef; * def CmThreads; * Stations = Cm:Da:Kn:Pi * Modes = sess324.K2048 format = VDIF : : 512; thread = 0 : 1 : 1 : 256 : 1 : 2 : : : 8000; thread = 1 : 1 : 1 : 256 : 1 : 2 : : : 8000; channel = &CH01 : 1 : 0; channel = &CH02 : 0 : 0; enddef; * def KcThreads; * Stations = Kc:Kt:Ku:Ky * Modes = sess324.K2048 format = VDIF : : 2048; thread = 0 : 1 : 1 : 2048 : 16 : 2 : : : 8192; channel = &CH01 : 0 : 0; channel = &CH02 : 0 : 1; channel = &CH03 : 0 : 2; channel = &CH04 : 0 : 3; channel = &CH05 : 0 : 4; channel = &CH06 : 0 : 5; channel = &CH07 : 0 : 6; channel = &CH08 : 0 : 7; channel = &CH09 : 0 : 8; channel = &CH10 : 0 : 9; channel = &CH11 : 0 : 10; channel = &CH12 : 0 : 11; channel = &CH13 : 0 : 12; channel = &CH14 : 0 : 13; channel = &CH15 : 0 : 14; channel = &CH16 : 0 : 15; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $HEAD_POS; def DiskVoid; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs * Head positions irrelevant for Disk: empty def enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $PASS_ORDER; * def DiskVoid; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs * Pass orders irrelevant for Disk: empty def enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ROLL; * def NoRoll; * mode = 1 stations =Jb:O6:T6:Ur:Tr:Mh:Ys:Hh:Sr:Cm:Da:Kn:Pi:Kt:Ky:Ku:Kc:Vm:Vr:Vo:Vs * barrel-roll set to 'roll_off', so reverse-roll by 0 (1 head) roll = off; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $SCHED; * schedule section for experiment N24K3 * Network Monitoring Experiment scan No0001; start=2024y306d12h00m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J1801+4404; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 120 sec: 0.000 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0002; start=2024y306d12h07m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J1801+4404; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0002.m5a: 180 sec: 184 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.769 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 300 sec: 7.729 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 300 sec: 7.729 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 300 sec: 7.729 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 300 sec: 7.729 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.917 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.769 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.769 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.769 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 300 sec: 30.769 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0003; start=2024y306d12h17m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J1801+4404; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 107.692 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 27.052 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 27.052 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 27.052 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 27.052 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 108.208 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 107.692 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 107.692 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 107.692 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 107.692 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0004; start=2024y306d12h32m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J1801+4404; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0004.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 261.538 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 65.698 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 65.698 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 65.698 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 65.698 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 262.791 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 261.538 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 261.538 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 261.538 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 261.538 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0005; start=2024y306d12h47m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2025+3343; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 8 sec: 600 sec: 415.384 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 104.344 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 104.344 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 104.344 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 104.344 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 417.374 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 415.384 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 415.384 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 415.384 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 415.384 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0006; start=2024y306d13h02m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2025+3343; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0006.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 569.229 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 142.989 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 142.989 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 142.989 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 142.989 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 571.957 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 569.229 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 569.229 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 569.229 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 569.229 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0007; start=2024y306d13h17m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2025+3343; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 723.075 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 181.635 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 181.635 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 181.635 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 181.635 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 726.540 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 723.075 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 723.075 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 723.075 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 723.075 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0008; start=2024y306d13h32m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2025+3343; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0008.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 876.921 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 220.281 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 220.281 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 220.281 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 220.281 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 881.123 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 876.921 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 876.921 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 876.921 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 876.921 GB: : &ccw : 1; endscan; scan No0009; start=2024y306d13h47m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2139+1423; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 359 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1030.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : &n : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 258.927 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 258.927 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 258.927 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 258.927 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1035.706 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1030.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1030.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1030.767 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1030.767 GB: : &n : 1; endscan; scan No0010; start=2024y306d14h02m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2139+1423; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0010.m5a: 480 sec: 484 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1184.612 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : &n : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 297.572 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 600 sec: 297.572 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 600 sec: 297.572 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 600 sec: 297.572 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1190.289 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1184.612 GB: : &n : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1184.612 GB: : &n : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1184.612 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 600 sec: 1184.612 GB: : &n : 1; endscan; scan No0011; start=2024y306d14h17m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1338.458 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 60 sec: 336.218 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 60 sec: 336.218 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 60 sec: 336.218 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 60 sec: 336.218 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1344.872 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1338.458 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1338.458 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1338.458 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1338.458 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0012; start=2024y306d14h18m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1353.843 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 340.083 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 340.083 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 340.083 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 340.083 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1360.331 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1353.843 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1353.843 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1353.843 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1353.843 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0013; start=2024y306d14h19m15s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 9 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1373.073 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 344.913 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 344.913 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 344.913 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 344.913 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1379.653 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1373.073 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1373.073 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1373.073 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1373.073 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0014; start=2024y306d14h20m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1392.304 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 349.744 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 349.744 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 349.744 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 349.744 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1398.976 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1392.304 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1392.304 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1392.304 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1392.304 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0015; start=2024y306d14h21m45s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 9 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1411.535 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 354.575 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 354.575 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 354.575 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 354.575 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1418.299 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1411.535 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1411.535 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1411.535 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1411.535 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0016; start=2024y306d14h23m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1430.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 359.406 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 359.406 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 359.406 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 359.406 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1437.622 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1430.765 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1430.765 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1430.765 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1430.765 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0017; start=2024y306d14h24m15s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1449.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 364.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 364.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 364.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 364.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1456.945 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1449.996 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1449.996 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1449.996 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1449.996 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0018; start=2024y306d14h25m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1469.227 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 369.067 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 369.067 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 369.067 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 369.067 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1476.268 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1469.227 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1469.227 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1469.227 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1469.227 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0019; start=2024y306d14h26m45s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1488.458 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 373.898 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 373.898 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 373.898 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 373.898 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1495.591 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1488.458 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1488.458 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1488.458 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1488.458 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0020; start=2024y306d14h28m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1507.688 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 378.728 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 378.728 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 378.728 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 378.728 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1514.914 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1507.688 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1507.688 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1507.688 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1507.688 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0021; start=2024y306d14h29m15s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1526.919 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 383.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 383.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 383.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 383.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1534.236 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1526.919 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1526.919 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1526.919 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1526.919 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0022; start=2024y306d14h31m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0022.m5a: 210 sec: 214 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1546.150 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 360 sec: 388.390 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 360 sec: 388.390 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 360 sec: 388.390 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 360 sec: 388.390 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1553.559 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1546.150 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1546.150 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1546.150 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 360 sec: 1546.150 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0023; start=2024y306d14h42m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1638.457 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 60 sec: 411.577 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 60 sec: 411.577 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 60 sec: 411.577 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 60 sec: 411.577 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1646.309 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1638.457 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1638.457 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1638.457 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 60 sec: 1638.457 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0024; start=2024y306d14h43m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1653.842 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 415.442 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 415.442 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 21 sec: 75 sec: 415.442 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 415.442 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1661.767 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1653.842 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1653.842 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1653.842 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1653.842 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0025; start=2024y306d14h44m45s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1673.072 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 420.273 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 420.273 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 420.273 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 420.273 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1681.090 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1673.072 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1673.072 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1673.072 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1673.072 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0026; start=2024y306d14h46m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1692.303 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 425.103 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 425.103 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 21 sec: 75 sec: 425.103 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 425.103 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1700.413 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1692.303 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1692.303 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1692.303 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1692.303 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0027; start=2024y306d14h47m15s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1711.534 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 429.934 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 429.934 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 429.934 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 429.934 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1719.736 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1711.534 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1711.534 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1711.534 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1711.534 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0028; start=2024y306d14h48m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1730.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 434.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 434.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 21 sec: 75 sec: 434.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 434.765 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1739.059 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1730.765 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1730.765 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1730.765 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1730.765 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0029; start=2024y306d14h49m45s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1749.995 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 439.595 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 439.595 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 439.595 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 439.595 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1758.382 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1749.995 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1749.995 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1749.995 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1749.995 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0030; start=2024y306d14h51m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1769.226 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 444.426 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 444.426 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 21 sec: 75 sec: 444.426 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 444.426 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1777.705 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1769.226 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1769.226 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1769.226 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1769.226 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0031; start=2024y306d14h52m15s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1788.457 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 449.257 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 449.257 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 449.257 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 449.257 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1797.027 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1788.457 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1788.457 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1788.457 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1788.457 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0032; start=2024y306d14h53m30s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2157+3127; station=Jb: 21 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1807.687 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 17 sec: 75 sec: 454.088 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 21 sec: 75 sec: 454.088 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 21 sec: 75 sec: 454.088 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 21 sec: 75 sec: 454.088 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1816.350 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1807.687 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1807.687 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1807.687 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1807.687 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0033; start=2024y306d14h54m45s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * :data_good:data_stop:goto_foot: pass: wrap :driv:tape at station=Jb: 20 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 10 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 7 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 6 sec: 75 sec: 1826.918 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 17 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 16 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 29 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 8 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 16 sec: 75 sec: 458.918 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 20 sec: 75 sec: 458.918 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 20 sec: 75 sec: 458.918 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 20 sec: 75 sec: 458.918 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 3 sec: 75 sec: 1835.673 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1826.918 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1826.918 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1826.918 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 12 sec: 75 sec: 1826.918 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; scan No0034; start=2024y306d14h57m00s; mode=sess324.K2048; source=J2203+3145; * ftp scan data_transfer=Jb: disk2file: N24K3_jb_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=O6: disk2file: N24K3_o6_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=T6: disk2file: N24K3_t6_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Ur: disk2file: N24K3_ur_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Tr: disk2file: N24K3_tr_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Mh: disk2file: N24K3_mh_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Ys: disk2file: N24K3_ys_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Hh: disk2file: N24K3_hh_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Sr: disk2file: N24K3_sr_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Cm: disk2file: N24K3_cm_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Da: disk2file: N24K3_da_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Kn: disk2file: N24K3_kn_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Pi: disk2file: N24K3_pi_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Kt: disk2file: N24K3_kt_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Ky: disk2file: N24K3_ky_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Ku: disk2file: N24K3_ku_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Kc: disk2file: N24K3_kc_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Vm: disk2file: N24K3_vm_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Vr: disk2file: N24K3_vr_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Vo: disk2file: N24K3_vo_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; data_transfer=Vs: disk2file: N24K3_vs_No0034.m5a: 120 sec: 124 sec: ; station=Jb: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=O6: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=T6: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Ur: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1846.149 GB: : &n : 1; station=Tr: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=Mh: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=Ys: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &n : 1; station=Hh: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : : 1; station=Sr: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Cm: 0 sec: 180 sec: 463.749 GB: : &n : 1; station=Da: 0 sec: 180 sec: 463.749 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kn: 0 sec: 180 sec: 463.749 GB: : &n : 1; station=Pi: 0 sec: 180 sec: 463.749 GB: : &n : 1; station=Kt: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : : 1; station=Ky: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : : 1; station=Ku: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : : 1; station=Kc: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1854.996 GB: : : 1; station=Vm: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1846.149 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vr: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1846.149 GB: : &cw : 1; station=Vo: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1846.149 GB: : &ccw : 1; station=Vs: 0 sec: 180 sec: 1846.149 GB: : &cw : 1; endscan; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $TAPELOG_OBS; * Experiment: N24K3 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * drive# VSN start time end time def CM; VSN = 1 : Cm-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def DA; VSN = 1 : Da-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def HH; VSN = 1 : Hh-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def JB; VSN = 1 : Jb-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def KC; VSN = 1 : Kc-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def KN; VSN = 1 : Kn-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def KT; VSN = 1 : Kt-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def KU; VSN = 1 : Ku-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def KY; VSN = 1 : Ky-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def MH; VSN = 1 : Mh-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def O6; VSN = 1 : O6-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def PI; VSN = 1 : Pi-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def SR; VSN = 1 : Sr-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def T6; VSN = 1 : T6-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def TR; VSN = 1 : Tr-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def UR; VSN = 1 : Ur-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def VM; VSN = 1 : Vm-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def VO; VSN = 1 : Vo-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def VR; VSN = 1 : Vr-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def VS; VSN = 1 : Vs-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * def YS; VSN = 1 : Ys-eVLBI : 2024y306d12h00m00s : 2024y306d15h00m00s; enddef; * *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $CLOCK; * Experiment: N24K3 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * * valid from clock_early clock_early_epoch rate def CM; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -11.477 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.09e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def DA; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -11.477 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.09e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def HH; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 5.041 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : -7.40e-09 usec/sec; enddef; * def JB; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 18.863 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.09e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def KC; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 8.700 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e-06 usec/sec; enddef; * def KN; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -11.477 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.09e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def KT; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.070 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e-06 usec/sec; enddef; * def KU; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -1.900 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def KY; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -6.600 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def MH; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.713 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 5.84e-08 usec/sec; enddef; * def O6; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -123.425 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : -6.43e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def PI; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : -11.477 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.09e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def SR; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 1.100 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 3.40e-08 usec/sec; enddef; * def T6; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 136.203 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 7.64e-07 usec/sec; enddef; * def TR; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 1.500 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 6.50e-08 usec/sec; enddef; * def UR; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 28.350 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def VM; * No clockinfo available clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.000 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def VO; * No clockinfo available clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.000 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def VR; * No clockinfo available clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.000 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def VS; * No clockinfo available clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 0.000 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 0.00e+00 usec/sec; enddef; * def YS; clock_early = 2024y306d12h00m00s : 20.142 usec : 2024y306d13h30m00s : 1.34e-06 usec/sec; enddef; *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $EOP; * (Includes predicted values 2 days in advance) Experiment: N24K3 *------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * def EOP303; TAI-UTC = 37 sec; eop_ref_epoch = 2024y303d00h00m00s; num_eop_points= 5; eop_interval = 24 hr; ut1-utc = 0.0548952 sec: 0.0543178 sec: 0.0538312 sec: 0.0534959 sec: 0.0533586 sec; x_wobble = 0.217366 asec: 0.216754 asec: 0.216127 asec: 0.215492 asec: 0.214812 asec; y_wobble = 0.367265 asec: 0.366380 asec: 0.365648 asec: 0.364751 asec: 0.363883 asec; num_nut_points= 5; delta_psi = -0.116390 asec:-0.116308 asec:-0.116277 asec:-0.116302 asec:-0.116379 asec; delta_eps = -0.007524 asec:-0.007331 asec:-0.007333 asec:-0.007596 asec:-0.007979 asec; enddef; *-------------------------------------------------------------------------------