
N15L1 - 18cm FTP fringe test - selected results from the JIVE SFXC software correlator

February 26, 2015

Mode: 512 Mbps, 16 BBC channels, 8 MHz filters, 2-bit sampling
Ef as the reference antenna.

scan02 Ef, Wb, Jb, On, Mc, Tr, Sv, Sr, Ar, Jd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1753+2848

Jb as the reference antenna.

scan09 Ef, Wb, Jb, On, Mc, Tr, Sv, Zc, Ar, Jd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1931+2243

scan12 Ef, Wb, Jb, On, Mc, Tr, Sv, Zc, Sh, Ur, Hh, Jd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

Ef as the reference antenna.

scan25 Ef, Wb, Jb, On, Mc, Tr, Bd, Sv, Zc, Sh, Ur, Hh, Jd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan25 Ef, On(vdif): 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan34 Ef, Wb, Jb, On (vdif), Mc, Tr, Bd, Sv, Zc, Sr, Sh, Ur, Hh, Jd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

Jd = Jb with DBBC

Below the correlations results to test WD (WB with DDBC) using two different .vax files are reported.

=> using n15l1.wbDBBCu.vax (LO mix is upper)

Ef as the reference antenna.

scan02 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1753+2848

Jb as the reference antenna.

scan09 Wb, Jb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1931+2243

scan12 Wb, Jb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

Ef as the reference antenna.

scan25 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan34 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

=> using n15l1.wbDBBCl.vax (LO mix is lower)

Ef as the reference antenna.

scan02 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1753+2848

Jb as the reference antenna.

scan09 Wb, Jb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = J1931+2243

scan12 Wb, Jb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

Ef as the reference antenna.

scan25 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan34 Ef, Wb, Wd: 2 sec integration time, source = 0234+285