
N13K1 - NME-FTP fringe test - selected results from the JIVE SFXC software correlator

Feb 27, 2013

Mode: 1024 Mbps, 16 BBC channels, 16 MHz filter, 2-bit sampling
Ef as the reference antenna. Sv is out at 22 GHz as it is under repair.

scan04 Ef, Jb, On, Nt, Ys, Mh, Ur, Sh, Hh, Tr, Ky, Ku, Kt, Od, Hd: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285

scan07 Ef, Jb, On, Nt, Ys, Mh, Sh, Tr, Ky, Ku, Kt: 4 sec integration time, source = 0355+508

scan13 Ef, Jb, On, Nt, Ys, Mh, Ur, Sh, Hh, Tr, Ky, Ku, Kt, Od, Hd: 4 sec integration time, source = 3C84

scan19 Ur, Sh, Hh, Ky, Ku, Kt, Hd: 4 sec integration time, source = OriKL1

scan25 Ef, Jb, On, Nt, Ys, Mh, Zc, Ur, Sh, Hh, Tr, Ky, Ku, Kt, Od, Hd: 4 sec integration time, source = 3C84

NOTE: Od = Onsala with DBBC, Nd = Noto with DBBC, Hd = Hart with DBBC, Mh = Metsahovi with DBBC

Korean VLBI Network (KVN) Ky = KVN Yonsei, Ku = KVN Ulsan, Kt = KVN Tamna