
FR014A - part one (to find the good LO frequency for FR014B and C) K-band 2-4Gb/s PFB test, Ef/Yd/Od - selected results from the JIVE software correlator

June, 05 2012 - 512 Mbps, 16 BBC * 8 MHz * 2-bit sampling

scan02 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21900

scan05 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21900

scan08 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21900

scan11 On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910

scan14_1 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, original vexfile

scan14_2 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, +10MHz to all frequencies

scan17_1 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, original vexfile

scan17_2 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, +10MHz to all frequencies

scan20_1 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, original vexfile

scan20_2 Ef, On, Ys: 4 sec integration time, source = 0234+285, LO=21910, +10MHz to all frequencies